Project Overview (updated 2025-02-27)
Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company, which, in addition to its holdings of securities in Canada Nickel Company Inc., Homeland Nickel Inc., East Timmins Nickel Inc., and its interest in the Holdsworth gold exploration property in the area of Wawa, Ontario. Noble holds mineral and/or exploration rights in ~70,000ha in Northern Ontario, ~14,000ha elsewhere in Quebec and Newfoundland, upon which it plans to generate option/joint venture exploration programs.
Noble has been successful in building a portfolio of securities, royalties and joint venture partners and will continue to build wealth through the project generator model.
Projects currently under exploration/development and their affiliated resources:
ONTARIO PROPERTIES (Updated – 2025-02-27)
Project 81 – Timmins-Cochrane Properties
An exploration and development property wherein the Company has the exploration rights for VMS/Gold/Copper on one contiguous block of land totalling ~ 18,000ha staked and patented mineral rights, in the Timmins-Cochrane area of Northern Ontario.
The property hosts a number of zones that have historical exploration identifying VMS and gold mineralization from work carried out in the 1960's and 1970's (these sample results are historical and non-NI 43-101 compliant) as well as assay results from drilling conducted by the Company in 2012, 2018 and 2020. 2000m Diamond drilling was completed following up on a line cutting Induced Polarization Survey on the Dargavel property, with results used to identify drill targets and to follow-up on the drill program carried out in 2020. 2000m Diamond drilling is underway following up on a line cutting Induced Polarization Survey on the Carnegie/Kidd2 property, with results used to identify drill targets and to follow up in the drill program carried out in winter 2024. Project 81 hosts diversified drill-ready gold, and base metal exploration targets at various stages of exploration.
Township Properties – Mann, Hanna, Duff and Reaume Townships
Mann et al Twps, a ~38,700 Nickel-Cobalt/VMS/Gold properties , which includes Reaume, Mann and Newmarket Townships as well as McCool, Moody, Galna and other properties currently held by Canada Nickel, in the Timmins area of Northern Ontario. The property is owned by East Timmins Nickel Inc. of which Canada Nickel owns 80%, with Noble retaining a 20% interest. Without incurring significant upfront dilution, Noble, gains exposure to additional nickel sulphide targets in the Timmins camp in which Noble currently has no interest
Thomas Carbonatite – Thomas Township
~2,215 ha - A Rare Earth project near Timmins in Northern Ontario. Research by the staff of Noble has identified a magnetic feature in Thomas Township that resembles a classic carbonatite magnetic signature. Carbonatites are a special group of carbonate-rich igneous rocks and the world’s primary source of rare earth elements (REE), niobium, zirconium, and phosphate oxide. In most cases, carbonatites are intrusive or subvolcanic, forming cone sheets, volcanic necks, dykes, sills, breccias, and veins. Because carbonate minerals weather so easily outcropping of carbonatitic rock is rare and the Thomas Carbonatite is no exception. The magnetic structure has never been drilled and does not outcrop on surface.
A Phase 1 work program will include geophysical surveys to locate with precision the exact position of the magnetic low and the depth of the overburden in order to prepare for drilling. Phase 2 will consist of drilling into the magnetic low to confirm the existence of a carbonatite and test for economic mineralization
Nagagami River – Hearst Area, Northern Ontario
224 claims through staking, to cover the Nagagami Carbonatite/Alkalic Complex, located about 65 kilometers Northwest of Hearst Ontario. The staked area is equivalent to about 4,600 hectares or 46 square kilometers. A study of the magnetic data for the Nagagami Complex and the Niobec Mine both indicate a donut shaped structure with syenitic rocks forming the circular magnetic high with carbonatitic rocks forming the central magnetic low. At Niobec, it is in the central magnetic low where the Niobium and Rare Earth mineralization is hosted.
Sampling of the core in hole NG-22-02 drilled in the fall of 2022 has identified a 61-meter-long mineralized zone with grades of 0.554 percent total rare earth oxide (TREO) and 0.098 percent neodymium(III) oxide (Nd2O3).
Holdsworth Property
19 contiguous patented mining claims covering approx. 304ha, 16 claims in S. Corbiere Township and 3 claims in N. Esquega Township. The Company owns 100% mineral rights subject to 1-5% NSR and 5-10% NPI subject to payback of all historic costs. A wholly-owned gold exploration property in the Wawa area of Ontario.
Boulder Project
Noble has acquired an option to earn up to a 100% interest in a Copper-Precious Metals Prospect in 214 claim units in Way Twps near Hearst, Northern Ontario. The claims extend from about 4 to 15km southwest of the town of Hearst. The staked area is equivalent to approximately 3,200 hectares.
A 140kg boulder was found in the area containing significant concentrations of base and precious metals, upon which an analysis, conducted in 2019 by the Ontario Geological Survey, determined that the boulder contained; 71.8% copper, 3.5% lead, 1.09% zinc, 252 g/T of silver, 3.79 g/T of gold, 4.43 g/T of palladium, and 2.22 g/T of platinum and consisted primarily of the mineral cuprite. The significant discovery of the highly mineralized boulder was in an area that has not seen much past exploration. The discovery of the source of the boulder would be an important mineral find.
QUEBEC PROPERTIES (Updated – 2025-02-27)
Graphite property in the Outaouais area of Western Quebec area of the Grenville Sub province of Quebec. The Buckingham Property total to 62 claims (3,700 hectares). The additional 32 claims cover the Buck Graphite Occurrence that has been explored as recently as 2016. In 2013, a high-resolution heliborne magnetic (MAG) and time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) survey covered the area surrounding and the newly acquired claims. One anomaly outlined a 1-kilometer-long conductor historically known to host graphite mineralization. NI 41-101 filed on SEDAR 2023-07-28 (link posted below on Buckingham page.) Isabelle Robillard P.Geo (OGQ) has completed an update to the NI43-101 report on the Buckingham Graphite Project, which is posted to the website.
Copper-Nickel-PGM property near Val d’Or, Quebec. The property consists of 15 claims (1,573 hectares) see NOB NR 2025/01/27. The property is road and power accessible, located only 4 kilometers east of Highway 117, the highway that connects Montreal to Val d’Or. The Cere Villebon property consists of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite mineralization in fracture fillings hosted by ultramafic rocks in the metamorphic halo of the Freville Batholith. The copper, nickel, platinum group mineralization is located in two zones, the North and the South Zone. Drilling and resource estimates done by the Groupe La Fosse Platinum Inc. in 1987, evaluated a historical resource of 421,840 tonnes grading 0.52% copper, 0.72 % nickel and 1.08 g/t combined platinum-palladium (Groupe La Fosse Platinum sampling of Hole 1 from the Cere Villebon drill program returned analyses of 5.2 meters* of 0.66% copper, 0.94% nickel, 0.04% cobalt, 0.25 g/t platinum and 0.66 g/t palladium within a 63 meter* wide mineralized zone grading 0.24% copper, 0.38% nickel, 0.02% cobalt, 0.11 g/t platinum and Inc., 1987 Annual Report). This estimate is historical in nature, non-compliant to NI 43-101 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves standards and therefore should not be relied upon. 2023 sampling of Hole 1 from the Cere-Villebon drill program returned analyses of 5.2 meters* of 0.66% copper, 0.94% nickel, 0.04% cobalt, 0.25 g/t platinum and 0.66 g/t palladium within a 63 meter* wide mineralized zone grading 0.24% copper, 0.38% nickel, 0.02% cobalt, 0.11 g/t platinum and 0.33 g/t palladium. (*true width not known at this time). Sampling of Hole 5 located 25 meters east of Hole 1, of 0.46% copper, 0.69% nickel, 0.03% cobalt 0.78 g/t platinum and 1.28 g/t palladium over 19 meters* within a 37 meter* zone of 0.36% copper, 0.50% nickel, 0.02% cobalt, 0.36 g/t platinum and 0.54 g/t palladium. (*true width not known at this time);Drill results from the 2023 drill program can be found on NR 23-07-11 but include Hole 1, of 0.46% copper, 0.69% nickel, 0.03% cobalt 0.78 g/t platinum and 1.28 g/t palladium over 19 meters* within a 37 meter* zone of 0.36% copper, 0.50% nickel, 0.02% cobalt, 0.36 g/t platinum and 0.54 g/t palladium. (*true width not known at this time.)
Havre St. Pierre
Copper-Nickel-PGM property on the North Shore, Quebec. The property consists of 188 claims (10,152 hectares). The staking covers approximately 56 km of prospective contact of the Havre St Pierre Anorthositic Complex, which contains known nickel, copper, and PGE mineralization. The claims cover geophysical features similar to Go Metal’s, HSP Nickel-Copper discovery. Nickel Copper, Platinum Group mineralization tends to accumulate near the intrusive contact that is identified by a sharp contrast between magnetic high and extreme magnetic low (the anorthosite). The AirTEM airborne survey recently completed on the NHSP Property in the Havre St. Pierre region of Quebec has detected an electromagnetic anomaly approximately 800m x 700m in size. Similar anomalies on the Go Metals Corp property in the same geological environment resulted in discovery of massive sulphide mineralization with good grades of copper and nickel and elevated platinum, palladium, cobalt, and gold values.
Chateau Property is a 12 claim property (569 hectares) by map staking in the Kitivik region of Northern Quebec. Historical work from a reconnaissance program in 2008 by Azimut Exploration indicated the following results in 4 grab samples taken on the property. This program identified significant mineralization on a 1 km by 0.5 km, thorium equivalent, airborne radiometric anomaly and highlights the project’s potential for critical minerals. In addition, the area is characterized by high uranium values in lake sediment samples taken by the Quebec Government. One sample taken 1.3 km east of the rock sampling analyzed 124 ppm uranium. past work demonstrates the polymetallic nature of mineralization at Chateau, with notable concentrations of uranium, thorium, rare earth elements (REEs), yttrium, phosphorus, zirconium, and silver. In particular, the high-grade Rare Earth and Phosphorus values in Grab Sample A and the elevated silver and zirconium content in Grab Sample B underscore the project’s potential to host critical minerals.
Taser North Property
The Taser North Property, located in the Ungava Bay region of northern Quebec, approximately 130 km southeast of the community of Kangirsuk, is a significant exploration area for uranium mineralization. Historically Azimut Exploration Inc., in partnership with Majescor Resources Inc., explored the property in 2007 for its potential to host uranium mineralization. No work has been done since.
The Taser North Property encompasses a variety of geological units, predominantly comprising high-grade metamorphic rocks such as gneisses and schists. These units have been intruded by granitic and pegmatitic bodies, which are potential hosts for uranium mineralization. The property is aligned along an extensive regional-scale uranium lake-bottom sediment anomaly referred to as the "Central Quebec Uranium Lineament," indicating a favourable environment for uranium mineralization.
The 2007 work identified numerous uranium-bearing outcrops over a 35-km strike, with samples located on the Taser North property yielding grades up to 0.65% U₃O₈. In addition, molybdenum values up to 0.14% were found associated with the anomalous uranium.
Newfoundland Property
Island Pond (TBA)